He only ever came around before the rush of evening and, as far as any of them knew, theyd never seen him traipsing down any of their cramped hallways to a cubicle hed paid for Not on the Bowery, not uptown The interconnected web of womans passed word along occasionally, and not once did he spend an evening with any of them that theyd seen Still, he came around every other week and spent at most five minutes in the upstairs of The Exchange before he left just as seriously as hed arrived, eyes on his boots as he shouldered back out onto the Bowery Had it not gone on for years now the womans might have traced a growing suspicion that he was a bit of a fairy, but Mrs Wilsons gaggle swore up and down theyd never spent a night with him, either Be that as it may, talk broke out every now and again Just as quickly, any rumor of him cornering a woman or a man in frilled skirts was quashed by Mrs Wilson herself in something of a display of godlike power Hes just not like that Dont judge what you cant comprehend Joe steeled himself with a final drag on his cigarette before he ducked into the freshly polished door of 336 Bowery | Fantasy