A beautiful unappetizing good painting of the and they can either be in harmony as one thus creating an illusion of time complexity,, variants gradients...beauty....OR they can exist as the 2 seperate functions of nature in the form of an anchor in the shape of an orb representing eternity...and in the orb of awareness that orbits it in perfect balance until the awareness tires of the loneliness and stops runnning and falls into eternity and shatters instantly becoming all possible manifestations of awareness and observational anchor points like light going through a prism except 2 prisms filter through each other creating an endless feedback loop of observer and object manifestation experience possiblity outcomes thus accelerating the instantaneous in a sense and thus creating an existence with a seemingly infinite duration, interactions, and experience possibilities. Each individual consciousness represents one of the infinite colors of the soul awareness ..the entirety of which is a singular awareness...that is Omni observant of all endless individual self manifestations as they proliferate into their limited but yet still endless environments, by Mike Mignola and Michael Whelan, digital , trending on Pixiv | Painting