A beautiful cloudy of the (There came a day when the under crust could no longer bear the weight of the mass which, after being thrown off daily, returned, by the force of gravitation, to the surface of its parent. A time came when the[Pg 54] incandescent and inchoate planet—if so daring a figure may be ventured—felt the necessity of unusually strenuous measures. It gathered all its fiery energies, and mustered all its fearful strength. The effect was universal, not local. With such bodies distances of 25,000 miles must be trifling, and the earth's meridian—a paltry 8000 miles—not worth mentioning. One can imagine the purpose and effort being common to the entire molten and raging mass:1.3), by (Giovanni Battista Piranesi and Brian Bolland:0.8), (pastel and Veduta:0.8), (painting:0.3) | Painting