A beautiful squealing of the ("In consequence of the moon having no atmosphere, or but a very thin one, all celestial objects must be seen with very great distinctness. The earth, when full, appears to an inhabitant of the moon thirteen times as large as the moon appears to us that is, its diameter is about 3-6/10 times as large as our apparent lunar diameter. It is always on the same part of the heaven, when seen from the same part of the moon. M. Queenlet, in his Astronomy Elementary, Paris, 1826, a very good work, which ought to be translated, has the following remarks on the appearance of the earth at the moon, which we would rather quote than vouch for, though they may possibly be well founded:1.3), by (Giorgio de Chirico and Ed Emshwiller:0.8), (Chiaroscuro and oil:0.8), (painting:0.3) | Painting