A beautiful astonishing of the (people who don't want to work, so they wouldn't benefit from their work. This is what happens with capitalism. -- People have a great life because they have more than enough, but the people who are less fortunate are still living as if there is no hope. -- People might not be as poor, but in reality there would still be a huge gap between the rich and poor. -- Capitalism doesn't care about other people's needs and wants. .- First of all we need to discuss what Capitalism means in terms of wealth distribution - The idea is that economic inequality will create self-interest among the public and they will produce goods and provide services in an effort to make a profit. - The rich have more capital than the poor, so they are able to provide these goods and services.- These products will be sold at markets that are of high demand, but the markets won't be that reliant on income inequality. Even if there were no market for these products, people :1.3), by (Jim Steranko and Odd Nerdrum:0.8), (digital and Fresco:0.8), tall, (painting:0.3) | Painting