A beautiful gentle of the (ladies and gentlemen .... Welcome and welcome to the Royal Hotel .... We inform you that your privacy with us is not safe and that you will be violated in every sense of the word .... But does this mean that you are pure angels .... of course not ... you scum .... a bunch of bastards who had their misfortune thrown into our hotel ... you are nothing but a bunch of filth you have come to just the right place ..... so welcome and welcome to the pit of hell which I hope that you will enjoy suffering and misery in it ..... And I can no longer complete my words more than that ..... I feel that the surveillance cameras and listening devices are counting my breath ... The scoundrels in charge of the hotel business are snooping and watching everything:1.3), by (Ayami Kojima and Mondrian:0.8), (Grisaille and Fresco:0.8), ultrawide, (painting:0.3) | Painting