A beautiful smart of the ( Something strange was happening to Mr. Ray. And he suddenly found himself in trouble. A situation he hadn't encountered for a long while now. Sitting at the table, musing about his life, he watched a cart storm up the packed cobbled street out of the window of his apartment. Did the man really inform Mrs. Krista of his former identity. An identity he did not fancy much. his true one. Mr. Ray got out of his chair and went for a sluggish walk. And now as he watched the eyes of the victim bulge out with a blue agitation that had now appeared on her face, he felt overwhelmed. Streams of tears found their way down his eyes. And with a forced smile that now occupied most of his face, :1.3), by (Hans Bellmer and Gustave Dore:0.8), (Luminism and depiction:0.8), (painting:0.3) | Painting