A beautiful unnatural of the (I have an appointment with Death, at some disputed barrier, when Spring will return with its rustling shadow and the apple blossoms will fly in the air! I have an appointment with Death when Spring brings back the beautiful azure days! It may be that she will take my hand and lead me to a dark area, that she will close her eyes and lose her breath.I'm still staying with her. I have an appointment with Death on the jagged slope of some dilapidated hill when Spring returns to do its trick this year and the first meadow flowers appear. God knows that it would be better to be stretched out in the hollow of the cushions in the silk and the fragrant down where love throbs in a blissful sleep, pulse against pulse, breath against breath, where silent awakenings are dear. But I have an appointment with Death at midnight in some burning city, when Spring will go north again this year, and I am faithful to the word given I will not fail not this appointment:1.3), by (Ivan Aivazovsky and Dali:0.8), (dutch golden age and watercolor:0.8), (painting:0.3) | Painting