Mocha had an idea to create the ultimate prank - a prank that wouldn't just affect his jungle friends, but everyone in the entire kingdom. He wanted to create a prank that sent everyone in the kingdom on a wild goose chase. Mocha began his plan by sneaking into the King's palace and stealing a magical compass. He then ran off into the jungle and hid it deep within the darkest corner of a nearby cave. Mocha then spread rumors throughout the kingdom about a hidden treasure that could be found using this magical compass. Word of Mocha's treasure soon spread throughout the land, and everyone from near and far was searching for it. Everyone from peasants to nobility was looking for this hidden treasure, and all were desperately hoping to be the one to find it first. But Mocha had one more trick up his sleeve - he had magically enchanted the compass so that no matter how close anyone got to finding it, they could never actually locate | Anything