The writers of the myths of the heavenly ascension sometimes ignored the size of the means used in the space flight, because a person cannot sit on the back of an eagle, and the six hundred wings of Al-Buraq make it impossible for the Messenger to sit on his back, and because their civilizations did not realize the meaning of gravity, the atmosphere and the lack of oxygen in the upper layers of the atmosphere, they did not mention The impossibility of the earth exceeding space and imagining it like the flight of any bird from place to place, just as they did not realize that the enormous speed of these legendary birds makes its rider die because he will not be able to breathe and will fall from above and crash to the ground, not to mention the impossibility of crossing the universe that we know and has a diameter of 93 billion light years To reach the seven heavens and meet God, who is supposed to be beyond the tangible. | Anything