draw me a 3 d model of kitchen with 3 meter by 2.5 meter and 2.6 of height. there is a one meter long window centered on the wall that has 2.5 meter. prioritize vertical storage. save as much space as possible. use pine wood in bauhaus style. a woven and an hybrid stove (elctric and gas) an indivdual large sink, provide space for 4 pans with lits, 20 regular plates, 8 glass of water, 8 glass of wine. cutlery in accordance with the quantity of the last items. place for fresh kitchen towels. I have 20 varieties of tea, the same with spices. i also have rice, beans, bread spaghetti. embed the trash and recycle bins on the furniture. provide some spare space. there is also a fridge, a dishwasher an a laudry machine. a cat lives there. provide 60 centimeter for slicing food | Anything