A beautiful metallic of the (Chapter 10: "The End of a Magical Journey" Lily and the butterfly, sat under the rainbow so bright, And watched as the colors, danced and took flight. And as they smiled, and thought back on their quest, They knew, their journey, was truly the best. They traveled far and wide, and met creatures so kind, And learned lessons, so valuable, they would never mind. And they knew, they would always, treasure the memories, Of their magical journey, in Rainbow Valley's seas. So they hugged and they said, "Farewell, Rainbow Valley, We'll always remember, the colors so rally." And as they turned, to leave, they saw the sun so yellow, And the moon so purple, and the colors so mellow. And as they walked away, with the sun in the sky, And the moon shining bright, and the colors so high, They knew, Rainbow Valley, was forever changed, And the colors, would shine, eternally ranged. And so, their journey, came to an end, But the colors of Rainbow Valley, would always bend. For Lily and the butterfly, knew, it was just the start, Of a magical journey, that would always be a part:1.3), by (Paul Cezanne and Chris Moore:0.8), (oil and Sotto In Su:0.8), (painting:0.3) | Painting