Now James and Lincoln, they're off to the wild, With their hats on their heads, and their bags on the pile. They leave the city, with a wave and a cheer, And they're off to the wilderness, without any fear. They walk through the bush, with a skip and a hop, And they hear the birds chirping, with a chirpity-chop. They see the trees swaying, with a swishity-swash, And they know they're in the wilderness, with no time to stop. The air is fresh, and the sky is so blue, And the brothers feel alive, with a bounce and a coo. They look to the mountains, so tall and so grand, And they know that this journey, will be something so grand. They trek through the forest, with a crunchity-crunch, And they see the wildlife, with a munchity-munch. They see the kangaroos hopping, with a hopity-hop, And the Tasmanian devils, with a screechity-screech. The brothers walk on, with a step and a stride, And they know they'll explore, with nothing to hide. For the wilderness is their playground, so vast and so wide, And they'll discover its secrets, with nothing to decide. And so they journey on, with a spirit so high, Through the wilderness of Tasmania, with a twinkle in their eye. They know there's adventure, and they're ready to find, For they're two brave brothers, with an open mind. dr seuss style | Anything