The brothers were strong, with a leap and a bound, As they climbed the mountain, with a huff and a puffing sound. They climbed up high, with a step and a stride, And they saw the world, with a wide-eyed surprise. The mountain was steep, with a slope and a slant, And the brothers knew, they had to pant. They climbed and climbed, with a grunt and a groan, And they realised, they were not alone. For on the mountain, with a swoosh and a sway, They saw a bird, with a colourful display. It was a parrot, with a squawk and a screech, And the brothers knew, they had to reach. They climbed up higher, with a heave and a ho, And they saw the parrot, with a glow and a glow. It was a rare bird, with a feather and a flair, And the brothers knew, they were now aware. For in the mountain, they found a prize, And they realised, they had to rise. They climbed and climbed, with a smile and a glee, And they knew, they had to be. At the top of the mountain, with a view and a sight, The brothers saw, a beautiful light. They saw the world, with a new perspective, And they knew, their journey was effective. For in the mountain, they found a treasure, And they realised, it was beyond measure. They climbed down, with a skip and a hop, And they knew, they would never stop dr suess style | Anything