DND-style map town named Pillia, the graveyard sits on the outskirts of the town, on the side where the land is flat and barren. The church is across the street from the mayor's office and the general store, a stark reminder of the town's religious past. Beyond the graveyard, on the other side of town, are a few farmhouses. These homes are modest and in varying states of disrepair. An unforgiving climate and lack of resources make it a challenging task. The general store continues to sell its meager stock, and the mayor's office remains closed to the public. The Black Crows operate in the shadows, and the inn remains uninviting to any travelers who may pass through. The few guards who watch over the town from the jail and the bunker are ever-vigilant, but there is rarely any trouble to speak of. The only thing that seems to change in Pillia is the weather, which can turn from sunny to stormy in an instant, adding to the sense of unease and melancholy that permeates the town. | Anything