A sickly Gollum, hunched over and clutching at his heart as tumors grow along his body. Gollum standing in a wasteland, surrounded by toxic smoke and radiation while his body contorts and changes due to the effects of cancer. A dark, ominous laboratory with tubes and machinery hooked up to Gollum's body as researchers attempt to find a cure for his cancer. Gollum standing in a field of flowers, his frail body and radiation burns contrasting with the beauty of the natural surroundings. A surreal dreamscape, with Gollum appearing as a shadowy figure with cancerous growths sprouting from his body. A ruined, post-apocalyptic cityscape with Gollum wandering among the ruins, his body twisted and distorted from the effects of radiation and cancer. Gollum in a dark, twisted forest with trees that have gnarled roots and branches that seem to reach out and grab at him as his cancer grows worse. A dark, ominous hospital room with Gollum lying in bed, hooked up to tubes and machines as he fights for his life against cancer. A twisted, multi-dimensional landscape with Gollum appearing as a twisted, nightmarish creature with cancerous tumors sprouting from his body. Gollum, standing at the edge of a cliff overlooking a vast, barren wasteland as his body wastes away from the effects of cancer. | Anything