A beautiful fallacious of the (Gross human, Abhorrent human, abominable human, appalling human, loathsome human, repugnant human, repulsive human, shocking human, vile human, foul human, gross human, sickening human, awful human, distasteful human, horrible human, horrid human, nasty human, nauseous human, noisome human, obnoxious human, obscene human, offensive human, repellent human, rotten human, sleazy human, mortal, personal, anthropoid, biped, hominid, individual, anthropological, anthropomorphic, bipedal, civilized, creatural, ethnologic, ethological, fallible, fleshly, forgivable, hominal, hominine, humanistic, vulnerable, disgusting human:1.3), by (Martin Johnson Heade and John Atkinson Grimshaw:0.8), (visionary hypermaximalism and pointilism:0.8), (painting:0.3) | Painting