Dachshund basic logo with sunglasses and flowers in mouth ultra modern logo Northfresh Marketing collage style business logo design ultra mod NORTHFRESH: brand logo placement in sunglasses:"NORTHFRESH" Dachshund in sunglasses hyper 1990's logo with mountains placed inside sunglasses with eclectic fun border: Extreme marketing logo: "NORTHFRESH" Marketing,solid background. Cider, beverages, taphouse themes with dachshund in baseball hat: NORTHFRESH dogtags, pub marketing logo fresh, (dachshund in beanie) pub house logo modern 8k: NORTHFRESH tattoos and mountains: "dachshund in city swag modern pop grafitti logo Andy Warhol fun colors black/tan dachshund logo" business logo modern sleek classic featuring black and tan dachshund with baseball hat bold letters NORTHFRESH, dachshund dogtags and earbuds, album cover grafitti pop style brand logo summer 2023 NORTHFRESH Marketing logo with a black/tan dachshund wearing sunglasses | Anything