A very beautiful highly detailed, (Instead of a frenzy of panic there was a numbness a sheeplike acceptance of the world as it was Locked in their positions strapped, roped and harnessed to each other in a living system that allowed for no single voice to be louder than any other, nor any back to labour less than its neighbours they let an insane consensus replace the tranquil voice of reason They were convulsed into one mind one thought one ambition. They became in the space of a few moments the single minded giant whose image they had so brilliantly recreated The illusion of petty individuality was swept away in an irresistible tide of collective feeling not a mobs passion but a telepathic surge that dissolved the voices of thousands into one irresistible command:1.3), by Ross Tran, rossdraws and Tim White, fantasy concept art, fantasy art, epic fantasy card game art, full art illustration, trending on Artstation | Fantasy