A ridiculous drawing of (sourceless wind rises, and with it a keening WHINE. Papers blow across the pavement. The cat YOWLS and hides under the dumpster. Windows rattle in their frames. The WHINE intensifies, accompanied now by a wash of frigid PURPLE LIGHT. A CONCUSSION like a thunderclap right over- head blows in all the windows facing the yard. :1.2) (with a landscape:0.2)(stunning, highly detailed, 8k, ornate, intricate, cinematic, dehazed, atmospheric:0.7), oil painting, splash art, teal(orange:0.3)(by Jeremy Mann, by John Constable, by El Greco:0.7)(acrylic paint:0.4)(by Zdzislaw Beksinski:0.4)(by Clyde Caldwell and Cornelis Bisschop:0.8) | Midjourney